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  • Metrostav a.s. is No. 1. For the Eighth Time in a Row

Metrostav a.s. is No. 1. For the Eighth Time in a Row

16. 5. 2018
source: Press Release
Press release

For the eighth time in a row, Metrostav is No. 1 on the Czech construction market. In 2017 its turnover has reached 19 564 million CZK, which is an increase of 11% as compared to the previous period. Over a third of Metrostav’s turnover comes from foreign project in Poland, Germany, Norway, Island, Finland as well as in Turkey and Belarus.

The total assets of Metrostav amounted to 17 377 million CZK as of December 31st 2017 and remained mostly unchanged compared to the previous accounting period. The asset structure changed a little bit in favour of non-current assets, the proportion of current assets decreased slightly. Also equity increased and liabilities decreased.    

The net profit of the Company amounted to 392,9 million CZK. The General Meeting voted in favour of paying out a dividend in total amount of 170 million CZK, which means earnings per share of 21,5 CZK. The rest 222,9 million CZK will be retained.

The shareholders approved Mr. Viliam Turanský and Mr. František Kočí as Board Members and Mr. František Klepetko as a Supervisory Board Member for the next five years. The General Meeting of Metrostav a.s that approved the accounting closure for 2017 was held on May 17th 2018 in the Company’s Headquarters in Prague. 

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