Metrostav logo
Centrála společnostiKoželužská 2450/4, Praha 8

About us

Metrostav a.s. is a financially strong and universal construction company with the ability to win and manage large and complex projects both in the domestic Czech market as well as in other 12 countries it operates. Its key areas of activity include transport projects, underground structures, civil construction, as well as projects for industry and environmentally friendly construction, for both public and private investors.

Our Vision and Mission

Our Shared Values




We Keep our Word

is the length of the longest rail tunnel in Czechia built by our people near Ejpovice
is the length of the Tunnel Boring Machines Adéla and Tonda
is the height of the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, climbed by our colleague Josef Nežerka
is the length of the Blanka Tunnel Complex

Metrostav a.s. is a leading construction company on the Czech construction market. It operates in seven construction segments, owns eight patents as well as nine utility models and is a member of all major professional associations.

You will find more information in our Annual Report. Other information regarding our construction portfolio can be found Metrostav's Profile presenantion (in English, German, Russian, Norwegian, Slovenian and Slovak).

Metrostav a. s.
Koželužská 2450/4
180 00 Praha 8

IČ: 00014915
DIČ: CZ00014915

Metrostav a.s. is a Member of the Metrostav Group

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