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Centrála společnostiKoželužská 2450/4, Praha 8


When implementing demanding building orders, Metrostav a.s. closely cooperates with its contractors and they jointly guarantee the investors from the public as well as private sectors that their projects will be completed by the specified deadlines and in a quality that is comparable to European standards.

That is why we perceive our contractors as partners and we do not require any commitments from them, which would go beyond the frame of the corresponding contractual relations with their customers or beyond the frame that is necessary for implementing the given work. Nevertheless, we always insist on compliance with the standards that we guarantee our customers ourselves:

We select building contractors by the means of transparent tenders. Based on the assessment of submitted offers, our selection committee subsequently discusses more detailed technical solutions only with those contractors who have demonstrated their experience with the given contract type and sufficient capacity for their implementation by the required deadlines, and who have approved the other implementation conditions required by the given project investor or legal regulations of the corresponding country. When adopting final decisions on concluding contracts with subcontractors, the selection committee prefers:

  • Internal capacities of the Metrostav Group

  • Contractors with concluded general contracts

  • Contractors who have contributed to acquiring a given contract by preparing their offers

  • Regional contractors in the case of regional contracts

  • Other contractors based on the assessments of the respective mutual cooperation

We require that our contractors also prefer selected capacities of the Metrostav Group.

The basis for negotiating contractual relations is formed by sample documents that we modify based on specific requirements of the ordering party of a particular project. An integral part of the contracts concluded with subcontractors for implementing building works in the Czech Republic is formed by the Metrostav general contractual conditions.

We do not accept any gifts or presents from our partners, which could inappropriately affect our business judgment. Moreover, we do not accept any privileges that go beyond common hospitality.

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