Ing. Tomáš Beržinský
Project Manager
"At Metrostav, once you prove your worth, your path to growth is wide open."
Tomáš has been around water since his childhood – he is the third generation of water management experts in his family. When the time came to decide his future career, water management was the clear choice. He joined Metrostav on a part-time basis while still studying. "The company approached me when I was still in school. I was working on a thesis about a dam in Kurdistan, which probably caught their attention." Tomáš started as a foreman overseeing the construction of a small hydroelectric power station in Litoměřice, which included the first of a large number of fish ladders he has since built. Afterward, he took part in an extraordinary project to build a small hydroelectric plant in Štětí, where he first worked as Assistant Site Manager and later as Assistant Project Manager.
"I was in charge of installing equipment supplied by Austrian subcontractors. My job was to act as a liaison officer coordinating construction and installation work. All communication was in English. It was quite a challenge and a great experience."
Tomáš's first undertaking as Project Manager was the reconstruction of a weir in Podělusy. He is now managing several projects simultaneously. They include renovating the Hubálov Weir on the Jizera River and renovating overflow surfaces and sluice structures at the Kadaň Water Works. His pride and joy is a project consisting of rebuilding the boat elevator at the Orlík Dam.
"I'm happy to be part of Metrostav. The company is the undisputed leader in building water infrastructure, and I've learned a lot from my colleagues, experienced experts, who are now my friends. My professional dream is to be able to build a dam – either in the Czech Republic or abroad."

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