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- Main production unit of the new 660 MWe source at the Ledvice Power Station
Main production unit of the new 660 MWe source at the Ledvice Power Station
The construction of the main production unit of the new source at the Ledvice Power Station included building of a boiler room, intermediate machine room, machine room and control room.
Basic information
Project Investor:
ŠKODA PRAHA Invest s.r.o.
Project Designer:
Ústav jaderného výzkumu Řež a.s., Energoprojekt Praha a.s.
Project Duration:
01/2009 – 11/2017

The construction of the main production unit of the new source at the Ledvice Power Station included building of a boiler room, intermediate machine room, machine room and control room. It was particularly unique due to the quantity of its reinforced concrete structures and stilts and to a large volume of the excavation works at a single location in a relatively short time. In order to install the given technology, it was necessary to complete the construction of the three main buildings within 12 months. Upon the completion of the assembly of the boiler room technology and of the turbine, modifications and final works were implemented.
Project in numbers
- 103,500 m3Volume of outputs
- 28,000 mTotal length of the stilts
- 73,800 m3Volume of the reinforced concrete structures
- 18,950 tWeight of the used reinforcement
- 49,000 m2Area of the formwork for tower concreting
- 2,220 tWeight of the steel structures
Building exceptionality
From the technical perspective, concreting of two reinforced concrete towers for the new power station boiler represented the most interesting element of the work. The towers are 145 m high. They were built within 80 days using pulled formwork. They are used as a communication core for the boiler room – they house elevators, emergency escape routes and technological channels. They represent the tallest reinforced concrete structure in Central Europe. One of them includes a viewing deck with views of the České Středohoří, Krušné Hory (Ore Mountains) and the entire coal basin.